Saturday, 26 October 2013

What is images and videos..??

Do you know what exactly a Image or Video is ???,How does they display the characters or scenery...??,How a software compresses it? and how does a resolution of it effects the size of a graphic file...

Image:- Well as you know that your display screen consists of pixel,the same way any image and video file is made up of pixels.. more the pixel more clear the graphic file would be...
The each pixel of image has a specific color coding in rgb* values.. The pixel with white color has rgb value =ffffff same way "000000" denotes black color..

pixel resolution of any image is similar to a 2d array system,or the coordinate system first pixel that you have on your screen is located usually in the top left of your screen which has the pixel value (0,0) similar to 2d array or the origin according to coordinate geometry. I think this image will help you understand things better....

Now a image file of this will store rgb value = ff0000(red=ff,green=00,blue=00) at the pixel coordinate (0,0),(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4),(0,4),(1,3),(3,1),(4,0) and rest of the pixel coordinate will store rgb value=(ffffff) which is white... and will draw a image like this......

I think now image is building up on your mind...

compressing the resolution of image.... Well this is little difficult to understand and even more difficult to make it happen.... compressing the image is like storing the data of two pixel into a single for more compression three pixel data will be stored in one... if you think it in terms of array the array are stored in continuous memory location same the image does.{(but sometime they fragment into two or more pieces and a defraggler is used to fix it)} More bigger the array will be,more space will it,but acquire here in terms of image it will be resolution that increases or decreases the size of the graphic storing single pixel data in place of two pixel will be cheaper...
These image will help you understand the phenomena better...

res 10

res 5

Now here 1st image is of resolution 10x10 (well not really,just assume it,if it was of that resolution you will be seeing a very small block which is difficult to understand)and the second image is of 5x5 (exactly half the resolution of 1st image half in both height and width).... Image 1 and Image 2 shows the same thing but they are of different can't able to see a remarkable difference in this kind of images but assume if complex image will be compressed to that level.. what will be the result of that compression....

May be it's clear till now how a image file works....
Now videos,they are nothing just li'l bit more complex than image..
Instead of single image it's the frame of images that replace itself with next image frame this transition is calibrated with the audio stream which is embedded or stored in that same image file.If this calibration breaks you will get audio first and video later or vice-versa....

Now think how can you enhance the resolution of a image it's seems easy but it isn't like that Think if you have adjacent pixels of different colors compression will delete one of the pixel color and if that pixel color is deleted it's about impossible to retain it back...
But as you know human don't like impossible things so they find a solution which is guessing.... this can be done by analyzing whole image...well look the pixel adjacent to deleted one will be of somewhat of similar shade..
if look at most of the images the pixel color slowly changes to different color if you will look at your surrounding the color of two things can't be likely to have a instantaneous change first the rays emitting from first body will dissolve into the rays emitting from second body like if you put a red and black body side by side the ray coming from junction will appear to have a brownish texture......well you can find the proof of it,if you look carefully to one of the picture uploaded above.You will notice that where the border getting mixed with red color first it dissolves with red to form a brownish tint..and where the border is interacting with the white background it slowly fades to gray shade and finally to white.(zoom in after downloading the image and you will get to know what i'm trying to tell,you will notice it clearly on the plain x image.) The resolution of image can be increased by this method only(According to my knowledge,i don't know if some method also exists)

Now you can guess how picassa and facebook detects the faces in an image.....
Bye till i find something new to post ....COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK AND SHARE IF YOU LIKE.....
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