Saturday 15 March 2014

Increase your system's rating

Hey bloggers have you ever to boasted infront of your friend about your pc's configuration,well it's normal. But how about bragging even when you don't have such configurations.
hmmm.... do you know it's possible if you are a windows user.Well this might be possible in linux too but till now,i don't how.
So Today we will be showing you how,to achieve it in windows
well,It's just a matter of some tweaks or you may call it hacks. There are two steps you have to go through to do that.
  • Change(upgrade) the name of the processor.
  • Change the Windows Experience Index Rating(In windows 7 and above)
For step 1.
Open registry editor,and to do that press win+r to brought up the run window.Then type regedit.exe in the run box and hit enter.
By now you are landed into registry editor.
Now navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0 there you will a find registry named ProcessorNameString open it change the value to whatever you want your processor to be.Hit Ok and close the registry editor.
Goto my computer and check the properties.voila,You just upgraded your processor for free.

Now it's time to upgrade your system's rating
To do that goto C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore\ and in that folder initiate a search with "Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml" keyword.If you got nothing in the search result then go for "Formal.Assessment (Initial).WinSAT.xml".
Then copy the file that shows up in search result and paste it somewhere you want.Then open that file from notepad and then press ctrl+h then in the find column type initial subscore(rating that shows up in your pc's properties) and in the replace column type the score,that you want as your subscore and hit replace.
Be sure not to hit replace all because it may change some other readings(numerals) which are not supposed to be altred but they too get changed as they partially matches with the score you typed.So replace only that readings which are exactly the same.And yes,9.9 is the highest possible rating so be under that. After all the tweakings ,save the file.
Then put that file back in the folder from where you copied that.i.e.,"C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore\"
To check it goto to computer's properties.
This tweak will help you show off infront of your friends,But Sometimes it MAY affect your system's performance,negatively.Like if there is a program which reads this reading to determine whether your system is capable of handling the pressure that it will provide(or it has juice needed to run that program) or not.
Well I don't think there are much programs which reads the user experience reading to determine this,but who knows about the thinking of that programmer,they can use this as it's easy to read the data from xml(which is an example of very well arranged data structure),then to run a diagnostic test.
if there are such programs and if they provide that extra load on your system that it can't handle then your system will halt or will explode with a baamm... ;)

There is one more way to increase your system rating.
The method which i'm talking about will not only increase your system's rating but it will also increase your system's performance.
and that method is overclocking...
As this is a sensitive topic i'm leaving it for now,but you will find a relevant post soon.

So till then wait,and keep blogging. 

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